miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Homosexuality and its Origins:

In the videos that we saw in class we had for some “displeasure” and for others the “plesure” of seeing how their were diferent types of Homosexual customes and how homosexuality can be ither nurture or nature, because in most cases scientists cannot know if it is surture or nature they have asumed that was normaly causes homosexuality is the number of boys that a mother has. Because of the following resonable explination, when the baby is a boy and it is in the mother’s uterus, the mothers body emideatley clasifies the male baby as a foreign and unknown thing and it tries to protect the body from it so it attacks the male hormones and that way the boy has less male hormones and he will have a greater possibility of becoming or being born gay or homosexual. There is the example that we saw in this video in class were their were these identical twins that were born almos identical! And from the out side they look exactly the same and they seem like they are the same person but once you get to know them better you find out that one is actualy really normal, he likes toy soliders, he loves action figures he likes video games, he chases girls and he does all of the things that boys that age do , but on the other hand there is the other identical twin that was born at the same time as the really male one, on the other hand this one is exactly the compleate opposite of male or “normal” little boy, he loves to write in his jurnal, he likes to color his fingernails, he loves the color pink, he talks in a different and a more feminin way, and he does not have a action figure collection, instead he has a doll house and he has a lot of stuffed touys and stuffed animals such as unicerns, and as “un- normal” as this sounds, for that little boy and his mother that is actualy very normal and he lives in a compleatley supporting enviorment. When both of the twins were sat down to make them some questions and to interview them with the show’s host, the twin that was more feminin was a little bit more loose and more confident of himself and talked a lot more, and he actualy addmited what he was and what he liked infront of the camera and he did not have any shame in doing so. Were as the other oe had a little bit of more trubble expresing himself when questions were asked to him. They were asked what types of ideo games each one likes, and one said something like G.I. goe soliders, and the more female like one said he loved to play neo pets or something that a “normal” boy that age would hate to play. In conclusion I think that homosexuality has different cases of it, and nobody can actualy know if it is caused by nurture or nature.



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